Confessions of a Film Junkie: A joint review of “Contracted”
By: Brian Cotnoir & Mina Rosario
So I heard about this
the 2013 Horror/Thriller “Contracted” from Dark Discussions Podcast, and I knew
I wanted to see it. I watched it, and I
wanted so badly to review it, but just like my review of “The Moth Diaries” I
felt like I was not the “most qualified person” to review this film, because it
dealt with a lot of stuff specifically from a female perspective, and so to
avoid being accused of being a sexist
bigot I have decided to recruit an actual female to write her own
perspective on the film. So this review
is being broken off into two parts; one from a male perspective and one from a
female perspective so please enjoy and let us know whose opinion you think is
more valid.
From a Male Perspective (By: Brian
So our film opens up
like many great films with the sight and sounds of necrophilia. Our story then jumps ahead to our main
character, a girl named Samantha.
Samantha, a recent out-of-the-closet lesbian, goes to a party one night
with her best friend Alice. She spends
most of the party being hit on by unattractive men, and being that boring
lonely sad girl that spends the whole party moping about how the person they’re
in a relationship with isn’t at the party (I’m
sure you’ve all seen a person like this at a party before). So anyways, Samantha begins to drink
excessively after being enabled by Alice to have a good time. It is shortly thereafter that Samantha is
approached by a mysterious gentlemen who gives her a drink and claims it’s one
she had dropped earlier. Being too
inebriated to use better judgment, Samantha chugs the drink from the mysterious
stranger and begins to feel sick. The
stranger had drugged the drink and takes Samantha back to his car where he
rapes her.
Yeah...that shouldn't be happening |
has almost no recollection of the evening before. She initially thinks that she’s suffering
from a severe hangover, but as the days’ progress her symptoms become a lot
worst. She begins to suffer from
excessive vaginal bleeding, her hair and finger nails begin to fall off, her
skin becomes rough and cracked, and her eyes start turning red. She goes to see a doctor at a Free Clinic who
informs her that he believes Samantha has contracted a sexually transmitted
disease. After 3-days things only go
from bad to worse for Samantha. Her
girlfriend Nikki breaks up with her after finding out she slept with a
man. Samantha doesn’t take this news so
well and she chokes Nikki to death.
Samantha then goes and kills her best friend Alice, for telling Nikki
that she had sex with a man. Samantha’s
rampage eventually comes to an end with her being transformed into a zombie-like creature as she has a
violent confrontation with her mother and the police.
So this film is
very good; it had a story that kept me guessing and interested. It has a dark story. I kind of felt like Samantha’s condition
could possibly be a metaphor for drug addiction. The way she hides her disease from her
friends, family, and co-workers is somewhat similar to when a person who has a
drug addiction tries to cover up their problems. Everyone is begging Samantha to let them help
her and she just runs away and ignores her problems and pretends that they
don’t even exist. The special-effects
and makeup are great as well, I was just shocked at how gross this film got at
some points it was really realistic and great. However, I cannot say the same
about the characters or the acting.
You are a weak character, Samantha |
is a very weak character. She has
contracted an awful disease that is doing untold horrors to her body and other
than a visit to the free clinic she does not seek any professional help. She finds out that the man who gave her
disease was wanted by the police and she does not come forward or want to know
what the hell she has contracted. I can’t
feel that sorry for her, for intentionally ignoring her problems. She is definitely not a well written
character either, which I don’t think it has anything to do with actress
Najarra Townsend’s performance. For example, Townsend’s character being a
lesbian had no effect on the plot whatsoever, so why was her character written
that way. I’m not saying that lesbian
character needs to be written a specific way, I’m just saying that I feel like
the writers decisions to make her a lesbian felt more forced than anything. The same can be said about the actress
playing Nikki; I just never believed that her character was a lesbian.
The other loser character in this film is
Riley. Riley is this guy who’s had a
crush on Samantha for quite some time.
Despite the fact that she is an open lesbian, he persistently attempts
to pursue her romantically. Towards the
end of the film where Samantha is clearly beyond messed up, he still is stupid
enough to want to have sex with her. And
he doesn’t stop until the maggots start crawling out her cooch. So I did not feel bad for Riley at all when
he got what he deserved.
Caroline Williams who plays Samantha’s
mother was actually quite a likeable character.
One thing that sucks is how her character is written. There is a point in the film where they
establish that Samantha’s mother was embarrassed when she came out, but we
never see her act that way in the film.
Every time we see her mother in the film she acts like a normal mom she worries about her
daughter, she wants to do everything she can to make sure her daughter is
happy. Never once did we here her
belittle Samantha for being a lesbian or say that she was ashamed of her. There is one point where Samantha lashes out
at her mother and reminds her how she called her a “dyke” once, but we never
hear the mom actually say it. Again, not
a bad acting performance, but her character is poorly written.
So should you see this
film? I say yes (if your stomach can handle it). It is an interesting take on the
zombie-patient zero genre, that at times felt like “Cabin Fever” only w/ STD’s instead of flesh-eating bacteria. I give it 3-out-5 stars.
The movie “Contracted,” as described by Netflix, is: “After a one-night-stand, a young woman becomes alarmingly ill -- but what she thinks is a sexually transmitted disease turns out to be far worse.” This may not sound like the most interesting movie, but let it be known, this isn’t a romantic tale of woe, nor any sort of unrequited love story. It is a story about a girl who is raped and her decay into becoming a zombie. That’s right, it’s a zombie/patient zero sort of tale.
But I wouldn’t say the movie was bad. It certainly wasn’t great, but I held no regrets for watching it. The acting was decent even though the characters seemed a bit bland and too close to stereotypes for me, and at times a bit forced. (See the scene where Samantha tells her boss she has pink eye and just about all scenes with Alice or Nikki.) The atmosphere of the movie fit nicely, as did the costumes and setting.
He's a terrible doctor |
I do believe this movie has two underlying themes. The first underlying theme is ‘always practice safe sex’. This theme is low-lying and is mainly played on during the scenes in the doctor’s office. There are several posters on the wall that indicate this, which is fine. What bothered me however, was once the doctor heard she had unprotected sex he seemed to have ‘given up’ on his inspection of her and just labeled her with a general STD. Yes, he mentions having done blood work, but there are other doctor things that could and should have be done when someone is bleeding excessively from their nether-regions and has what was being referred to as a rash. It all came off very “if you have unsafe sex you are doomed, there is no hope for you.” Granted, that does seem to be how this version of the zombie virus is spread.
The second underlying theme is ‘homosexuality is wrong’. Now, this may seem a little far fetched because sure, why wouldn’t our main character’s downward spiral be complete without a mother who disapproved of her sexuality after having a cross and holy picture on the wall. But it isn’t just the mother. In the beginning of the film, Alice yells to Riley, as Samantha is knocking back shots, that Samantha will sleep with him if he can perform cunnilingus like a lesbian. Now, some of my college friends may have said some pretty outlandish things in the past as a joke, but this is straight up rude and offensive regardless of how close people are, in my own opinion. And Nikki is straight up rude to all male characters which is a terrible stereotype of lesbians. What really takes the cake, however, is when Samantha goes to kiss Alice between the two girls’ deaths, and vomits blood into her mouth. If that isn’t a hit against homosexuality then I don’t know what is. Throughout the film I was thinking to myself “it’s a tad bit homophobic’ but when that happened, it cemented the opinion to fact.
Overall, were I to give the movie a final rating, I’d give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. Not terrible, but I probably won’t watch it again.
This sounds far more effective than any 'safe sex' psa i've ever seen!